
Questions for ICC Sexual Immorality

Was Kip fired for sexual misconduct on a church member?

Former ICC evangelist Coltin Rohn believes that Kip McKean may have been fired from his leadership position due to serious sexual misconduct on a married church member.

Like everyone else, in his latest YouTube video titled “Seek The Truth About Kip’s Retirement 4/2024“, Rohn expressed the oddity of Kip’s unceremonious removal from the church he had planted almost 20 years ago. No further information has been provided by the World Sector Leaders regarding why their central leader has “faltered spiritually,” which led to his demise. Rohn believes that this hiding of information stands in contrast to the Bible’s teaching that elders of the church who have sinned should be called out publicly for the benefit of others:

But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning.

1 Timothy 5:20 NIV

Therefore, Rohn’s decision behind this video was to explain what is really happening behind the scenes in the ICC for the sake of exposing Kip’s sin to everyone.

Combining insider-information with pieces of clues available on the Internet, Rohn asserts that Kip has been forcibly retired from his position after pornography was discovered on his computer by Ron Harding. The pornography was generated through AI using real-life photo(s) of a married woman at church who is a former secretary of his.

When the World Sector Leaders investigated the matter, they found that the woman and her husband had no knowledge of this.

You can watch Rohn explain how he came to this conclusion here:

Update @ 4.57pm AEST

I’ve just learnt that Ron Harding has also lost his job (effective immediately!). He was the ICC’s Lead Cyber Evangelist. Again, no explanation by Raul Moreno. But this gives weight to Coltin Rohn’s claim that Harding has a part to play in this whole drama.

According to Moreno’s leaked email, Harding has now been succeeded by Jeremy Ciaramella.

The plot thickens!