Exploring the ICC’s teachings
There has been A LOT written that are critical of the ICC (and the ICOC) which can be found on the Internet. Links to some of these are listed the “Links” page.
The articles on this website aim to look specifically at their teachings and give them a good critique.
Check out the latest articles below:

Why the ICC’s view of sin is too weak
The ICC’s doctrine of sin actually does not go far enough When it comes to human sin, the International Christian Church takes…

Why doesn’t the ICC debate experts like in Acts?
The ICC seems averse to public debating despite it being very common in Acts. …

Are we called to evangelise all nations in one generation?
The ICC teaches that the world must be evangelised in one generation One of the ICC’s Five Core Convictions is the “evangelization…

Is “discipling” a command of God?
The ICC believes that discipling is a non-negotiable command of God. An extremely controversial core conviction of the International Christian Church is…

Should we speak where the Bible is silent?
The ICC believes that it is rightful to speak where the Bible is silent, and silent where the Bible speaks….

What does it mean to be “a Bible Church”?
The ICC teaches that we need Bible Churches, not simply New Testament Churches. The first tenet of the International Christian Church’s 5…

Is central leadership mandated in the NT?
The ICC teaches centralised leadership One of the 5 Core Convictions of the International Christian Church is “strong central leadership and godly…

How did Kip McKean get a doctorate?
The ICCM is made up of faculty staff that award each other doctorates to bolster their own profiles….

How scholarly are the degrees at ICCM?
ICCM courses do not offer the intellectual training one would expect from a theological seminary….