Leaving the ICC

Kip-whistleblower Ron Harding fired. Leaks documents.
Ron Harding, the International Christian Church’s Chief Technology Officer and Lead CyberEvangelist of 16 years (2008-2024) and author of The Untold Story:…

BREAKING: Kip McKean disfellowshipped from the ICC
In a few short months following Kip McKean’s forced retirement from the International Christian Churches (ICC), on 22nd November 2024 McKean has…

Livestream TONIGHT: Jason Dimitry on the Restored Church Worldwide
Jason Dimitry, formerly the Lead Evangelist of the City of Angels International Christian Church, posted on Facebook about an upcoming livestream happening…

BREAKING: Senior ICC leaders start new offshoot movement
Update 20th October 2024, 9.50pm AEDT: Unfortunately, I wrote the article below in a hurry this morning (Sydney time), so the reporting…

BREAKING: Kip McKean forced into retirement due to “spiritual faltering”
On Monday 29th April 2024, a letter was sent out by World Sector leader Raul Moreno to “All International Christian Churches” (ICC)…

Responding to Mike Patterson’s criticism of Coltin Rohn
Coltin Rohn’s resignation from the ICC following his criticism of the church’s fundraising policies has brought swift retaliation…

Evangelist Coltin Rohn resigns, gets threatened by the ICC
Coltin Rohn, formerly the Evangelist of the Columbus International Christian Church in Ohio, is the latest high profile ICC member to leave the church….