kip mckean
May 23, 2024
Was Kip fired for sexual misconduct on a church member?
Former ICC evangelist Coltin Rohn believes that Kip McKean may have been fired from his leadership position due to serious sexual misconduct…
May 9, 2024
Kip’s fall & the danger of exalting church leaders
In the wake of the recent forced retirement of Kip McKean due to his “spiritual faltering” it would be right to question…
April 13, 2023
The idolatry of Kip-worship
NB: This is an opinion piece of a reader of this blog. Recently, I came across an Instagram post by Mike Patterson,…
January 29, 2023
BREAKING: Another lawsuit filed against Kip McKean and the ICOC/ICC
3 more people have come forward to accuse Kip McKean and the ICOC/ICC of systemic abuse and coverup….
January 2, 2023
New lawsuit against ICOC/ICC for coverup & abuse
It’s a new year and Kip McKean has yet another new battle on his hands. A group of ex-members have launched a class action against the ICOC/ICC….
November 4, 2022
How did Kip McKean get a doctorate?
The ICCM is made up of faculty staff that award each other doctorates to bolster their own profiles….